"Discover the Ground Search and Rescue Difference"
To prevent injury and possible death while enjoying the outdoors hiking and walking, our team supports and teaches AdventureSmart programs encouraging the public “to get informed and go outdoors” by:
If you have a group that would like these programs, please contact us for presentation information.
The Nova Scotia Project Lifesaver Association trains PCVGSAR Project Lifesaver Electronic Search Specialists (ESS) to monitor and search for clients with dementia, autism, or special needs.
The volunteer ESS monitors and checks a battery-operated electronic transmitter bracelet assigned to each client. If they should become lost or wander, the trained ESS volunteer can track the client with a receiver that picks up the signal emitted from the bracelet. This is another tool to aid GSAR to find the lost person.
Currently, we are not able to take on any more clients.
Working under the direction of an Agency Having Jurisdiction (police agency) Incident Commander (IC) or the Emergency Management Organization (EMO), our team provides equipment and trained volunteer members to search for the “lost or missing person”. Our team cannot self-activate. Searchers can operate locally and provincially with other teams in the province to complete tasks.
When called upon by the EMO during a natural disaster – flood, hurricane, etc, - ground search and rescue will respond to various tasks. The volunteers utilize the same equipment as searches, but tasks reflect the needs of the people affected. Again our team members may assist other teams provincially as well as coordinate with agencies.
Contact us to learn more about the services we offer in and around Pictou County.